Powered by ChatGPT 4o

How cool
the widget and its features

Makes an appointment, reminds you to make an appointment
Works with cancellations and objections
Answers questions and advises on the product/service
Sends a lead to CRM or messenger
Хочу записаться на пиллинг.
Можем записать вас на вторник.
В какое время будет удобно?
Давайте в 18:00.
Отлично, мы вас записали.
Увидимся во вторник!

This widget communicates with people by itself

It seamlessly processes thousands of customer requests. From composing emails to answering chat rooms.

Collects information about the customer and enters it into the database

Through interactive chats, it instantly enters data into the Exsel or CRM system and reports it in a messenger that is convenient for you.

Answers frequently asked questions within your company

He interacts with your employees, creates product manuals, and introduces you to regulations.

Sets appointments and adds them to the calendar

Effortlessly manages the allocation of time, coordinates multitasking assignments per time slot, and adds knowledge to the calendar.

The widget will be customized for your business

Connect to all your messengers


The widget uses
modern AI models, through 

yours Open AI account