
Barduck.online: Organizing chaos to focus on what's important.

Reading time: 5 minutes



Personal growth

Data analysis


Barduck.online is the result of our own search for an optimal solution for project management and team communication. Developed by us, the tool is a convenient and functional platform designed to make the workflow more organized and efficient.

Done: development of a service integrated with Matterport technology and launched a large-scale marketing campaign to attract real estate agencies and end users

What does our Barduck.online help solve?

Teams often use different platforms to manage tasks, communicate, and store files. For example, tasks can be managed in one application, communication can take place through another, and documents can be stored on various cloud services. This fragmentation leads to the need to constantly switch between systems, which takes time and increases the risk of losing important information. In our country, all this is in a single centralized Barduck.online system

When multiple communication channels are used (email, messengers, video conferencing), information is easily lost or scattered across different platforms. This can lead to misunderstandings between team members, missing out on important project details and, as a result, delays in completing tasks. For us, each task is a unique thread that is equipped with both a group chat for participants and a tracking status system, notifications, reminders, and much more that was added as the project developed.

Managing documentation using various cloud storages and local servers can be a real challenge. An example would be when you urgently need access to a specific project file, but it is not clear exactly where it is stored, or the document version is out of date because it was uploaded to different platforms by different employees. We also have an integrated system of current turnover, which, according to an already developed material pattern, forms an exchange tree, making it convenient for any team member to find the required materials.

In our team, we understand the importance of team spirit and maintaining a high level of motivation to establish effective and harmonious relationships between colleagues. The search for a universal system for managing motivation and building healthy communications on the Internet did not bring the desired results. So, by combining the efforts and inspiration of our team, we decided to create our own tools that would meet our needs.

Let us tell you in more detail...

Most likely, we should start with an example of an archi structure for the formation of a logical chain — verticals, projects, files, threads. Our company has increased multitasking, which requires a certain order in controlling the processes that are taking place. We divide each area into verticals, which can be called projects. The uniqueness is that a project may include several more products or projects. A vertical is like a spatial cloud that can include projects and products.
The Scalemap module in Barduck.online is an innovative tool designed to visualize and manage projects and tasks at the macro level. This module allows users to get a broad overview of all current projects and their status, facilitating the process of planning, analyzing and optimizing the workflow.
Scalemap is a dynamic map that shows each project and task as separate elements. This allows users to quickly assess workload, resource allocation, and priorities at all levels of management.
Scalemap allows you to track the status of projects and tasks, visually highlighting them in different colors depending on the current state (for example, in progress, on pause, completed). This makes it easier to monitor progress and identify potential problem areas.
Using Scalemap, users can effectively plan new projects and analyze the progress of current ones. A visual overview of all projects contributes to more thoughtful decisions when allocating resources and setting priorities.
The module offers flexible settings for personalizing the map display, including choosing the level of detail, filtering by various parameters (for example, by departments, deadlines or priorities), and adjusting the type of items on the map.
It is important that it is very convenient for heads of departments who are engaged in delegation. Each task/thread can be determined by its level of importance and how urgently it needs to be completed, which speeds up the process of thinking about making a decision, and also improves the effectiveness of communication within the team.
Each file in the system has a tree-like hierarchy that is structured according to goal setting and step-by-step structure from goal to action. Thus, with the help of modern technologies, we form a team, goals, and generate the required actions in one click to achieve our goals. All this is done through integration with AI. The manager only has to make the attached decisions to achieve the goals, determine their importance, and release them from this module to the work threads that require implementation by team members.
Quite a few interesting and convenient features are implemented in this module. The manager can filter out goals — actions, by status. Watch active, inactive, hypothetical, or purified output formats for analysis.

Graph module

The graphing module in Barduck.online is a powerful analytics and visualization tool that allows users to visually track the progress of tasks and projects, as well as analyze the team's workload and efficiency. This module provides a comprehensive view of work dynamics through graphs and charts, making performance analysis and planning more intuitive and efficient.
The main graph allows us to see the number of threads created, the number of threads completed by day, by project, and most importantly, it is integrated with AI, which generates its own report on the progress of processes, with an emphasis on improving or deteriorating production dynamics in a particular project/product.

Benefits of using the graph module

  • Visibility: The visual presentation of information makes the analysis of project performance and progress more understandable and accessible.
  • Prompt response: The ability to identify problems in a timely manner and adjust plans based on relevant data.
  • Better planning: In-depth analysis of past and current data helps plan future projects and tasks more accurately.
  • Improving efficiency: Team analytics helps optimize processes and increase overall productivity.
The scheduling module in Barduck.online is a key tool for project managers and team leaders seeking maximum transparency in processes and improving work efficiency.


The Barduck.online repository is a powerful tool for organizing, managing and collaborating on documents and files as part of projects and tasks. It is designed to provide users with a convenient, secure, and centralized way to store all the materials they need.

Key features

  • Centralized storage: All files and documents related to projects and tasks are kept in one place, allowing easy access for all team members.
  • Versioning: The repository supports document versioning, allowing you to track the history of changes and, if necessary, return to previous versions.
  • Collaboration Cloud: The platform offers integration with popular cloud services like Google Drive and Dropbox, allowing teams to collaborate effectively on files in real time.
  • Security and access control: Managing access to files and folders based on user roles and permissions ensures that sensitive information is protected and accessible only to authorized persons.
  • Search and filter: Advanced search and filtering features help you quickly find the files and documents you need by keywords, dates, authors, or other parameters.
  • Integration with tasks and projects: Files are easily attached to specific tasks and projects, providing a direct link between documentation and relevant workflows.


  • Better organization: Centralized storage helps keep documentation organized, eliminating the need to search for files from disparate sources.
  • Increased productivity: Real-time document collaboration and quick access to the files you need reduce the time it takes to complete tasks.
  • Reliability and security: Data protection is ensured through access control, versioning and backup, which minimizes the risk of information loss.
  • Effective collaboration: The integration of the repository with other Barduck.online tools (calendar, task scheduler, chats) creates a unified environment for working on projects.


Using the Chronograph at Barduck.online is transformed into a powerful tool for comprehensive tracking of personal time, covering all aspects of a user's life — from sleep and nutrition to personal development, emotional management and creativity. The goal of this approach is to create a balanced life schedule that contributes not only to professional growth, but also to personal well-being. Let's look at an example.
# Situation
Pavel, a software developer, faces the challenge of managing his time. His work takes up most of his day, leaving little time for rest, sleep, personal development and hobbies. Pavel feels his life is getting monotonous and he wants to change that by finding a work-life balance.
# Solution
Pavel starts using the Chronograph to track time spent on various activities. It establishes categories like Sleep, Nutrition, Work, Personal Development, Creativity, and Leisure, and begins recording the time spent on each one.
# The process
Activity recording: Every day, Pavel records the time spent on various activities, using the Chronograph for accurate accounting.

Analysis and refactoring: After a week, Pavel analyzes the collected data, determining which areas of life need more attention and how time allocation can be improved to achieve balance.

Schedule adjustment: Based on the analysis, Pavel adjusts his daily and weekly plan, devoting more time to activities that promote refactoring. He determines that he devotes little time to rest and entertainment, and gradually incorporates this into his schedule.
# results
Improved quality of life: Pavel finds that his overall well-being and life satisfaction have improved significantly due to his work-life balance.

Personal development: Paying attention to leisure, Pavel begins to learn new skills and hobbies, which gives him satisfaction.

Managing emotions: Recording and analyzing emotional states helps Paul understand himself better and find ways to maintain inner harmony.
Thus, the Chronograph at Barduck.online is becoming not just a tool for keeping time, but also the key to a conscious and balanced life, where there is room for both work and personal growth and well-being.

Environment tracking

The “Environment Tracking” module in Barduck.online is a unique system designed for in-depth analysis and understanding of the impact of the social environment on personal productivity, mood and overall well-being. This tool allows users not only to track interactions with different categories of people, but also to assess how these interactions affect their personal growth and success at work.
Through detailed tracking of interactions with others — whether they are family, friends, colleagues or business partners — users can identify which relationships are most valuable and beneficial for their development, and which ones can hinder their progress. This information becomes the basis for developing a strategy for personal and professional growth, allowing you to focus on building and strengthening mutually beneficial and supportive relationships.

Module advantages

  • Detailed interactions: Users can categorize their social contacts and mark the types of interactions, which contributes to a more thorough analysis of the social circle.
  • Impact assessment: The module helps to assess how interactions affect emotional state and productivity, allowing you to optimize social interaction to improve the quality of life.
  • Analysis of toxic relationships: Identifying and analyzing relationships that may have a negative impact makes it possible to make timely adjustments to your social circle.
  • Planning and improving interactions: Based on the data obtained, users can plan their communication in such a way that it contributes to their personal growth and achievement of goals.
Using Environment Tracking in Barduck.online allows you to develop a conscious approach to building and developing social relationships, making them a source of inspiration, support and motivation on the way to personal and professional achievements.
Thanks to Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad Poor Dad for dividing people into four categories based on their approach to earning money and managing finances:
Employees are people who work for someone, usually have a permanent job and receive a salary. They depend on their employer and often seek career growth within the company.
Self-employed people are self-employed people, such as freelancers or small business owners. They manage their own time and income, but they are also fully responsible for their business.
Big business owners manage companies with more than 500 employees. They focus on strategic development and the delegation of responsibilities, seeking to expand their business and increase profits.
Investors — invest in stocks, real estate, or other assets to generate passive income. They use their knowledge and market analysis to make financial decisions and increase their capital.

Use cases

The ability to classify interactions into categories (e.g. Family, Friends, Colleagues).

Pavel uses this feature to analyze time spent with different groups of people and finds that he needs to spend more time with his family to improve personal relationships.

Tracking how specific interactions affect mood and motivation.

Marina notes that meeting a particular colleague improves her creative thinking and productivity, which motivates her to seek more such interactions.

The ability to plan and optimize your time to interact with those who inspire and support personal growth.

Irina plans regular meetings with a mentor and a group of like-minded people to share knowledge and experience, which contributes to her professional development.

Data analysis to form a personal growth strategy based on the influence of others.

Sergey uses insights into the impact of different types of interactions on his condition to develop a personal development plan that includes participation in professional networking events and training courses.

Using Environment Tracking in Barduck.online allows users not only to understand how different types of interactions affect their lives and work, but also to take meaningful steps to improve the quality of these interactions, optimize time and build a more harmonious and productive environment.

Decide on the fly!

The works of Alexander Lowen, an outstanding psychotherapist and founder of bioenergetic analysis, focus on the concept of healthy aggression and its expression through the physical body. Lowen argues that modern people often lose this healthy aggression, which leads to a decrease in vitality, lethargy and lack of initiative. An important component of well-being in life, according to Lowen, is spontaneity, which fills life with the taste of childhood and carelessness, giving joy and a sense of vitality.
In the context of these ideas, the “Decide on the Fly” app on Barduck.online is becoming not just a tool for generating ideas, but also a way to reconnect with your own spontaneity and healthy aggression. Offering the user various spontaneous actions and activities, the application helps to regain a sense of freedom and vitality, learn to express their desires and needs through physical action and activity, reminding them of the importance of being here and now, enjoying the moment without unnecessary worries and worries.
Using “Decide on the Fly” can be a powerful tool for personal growth and self-discovery, allowing everyone to discover new horizons of opportunities and experiment with various aspects of life, whether it's communicating with loved ones, new hobbies, or ways of expressing themselves. In this sense, the app goes beyond a simple planner or idea generator to become the key to a more conscious and fulfilling life.

Key features

  • Personalization: The application analyzes the user's preferences, interests and current goals, offering ideas and actions that best meet their personal needs and needs.
  • Idea Generation: Based on Jung's archetypes and user-defined parameters, the app generates ideas for spontaneous actions. These can be suggestions to visit new places, take up a new hobby, take time for self-development, or spend time with your family.
  • Flexible Settings: Users can customize the app to take into account their current life circumstances, work/rest balance preferences, and personal goals and objectives.
  • Motivation and Inspiration: “Decide on the Fly” motivates you to step out of your comfort zone by offering activities that help you gain new experiences, develop creativity and improve your quality of life.

Use cases

# Activity
If the user needs more drive and activity in life, the app can offer to spontaneously attend a concert of their favorite band, do extreme sports or organize an unusual adventure with friends.
# Family
When a user wants to pay more attention to family, “Decide on the Fly” will remind you of the importance of spending time together, suggest ideas for family events or surprise ideas for loved ones.
# Growth
For those who are looking for personal growth and self-development, the app can offer you to start learning a new language, attend an educational seminar, or take time for meditation and self-reflection.


Barduck.online is designed for those who are looking for effective tools for work and striving for personal growth, offering simple and understandable solutions to achieve these goals within StartDuck. Only members of the StartDuck Community can use the software at the moment