

Marketing Campaign Automation with AI

If you are still setting up your marketing campaigns manually, your business is already hopelessly behind the market. We are ready to help both businesses and independent specialists with the integration of artificial intelligence into their daily work.

If you're still setting up your marketing campaigns manually and keeping a close eye on every step of their implementation, your business is already hopelessly behind the market. To stay afloat in 2024, it is necessary to use advanced automation tools based on artificial intelligence. AI is already firmly entrenched in marketing, helping to send personalized emails and purchase ads. In addition, it is used in fundamentally new strategies that can surprise even experienced marketers who know all traditional methods of business promotion. Today we will talk about proven and best innovative solutions.

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Three proven methods for integrating AI into your marketing campaigns

They are already being used by all top market players. Both freelancers and independent experts cannot imagine their work without them.

1. Personalized emails

Sometimes it seems like businesses can read our minds. Yesterday you thought about a specific product, but today you receive an email with a discount promo code. Such a coincidence cannot be attributed to wiretapping and other conspiracy theories; you did not voice your wishes. In fact, it's simple — artificial intelligence works. He really knows how to guess desires, predicting them by indirect signs, primarily by behavior on the Internet. By studying the history of clicks, views, clicks, and messages, AI narrows down requirements to just a few products or even one item. All that remains is to trust him to also write a letter with a sales text. The well-known ChatGPT will also cope with this task, but it's better to use more advanced services like Jasper or Notion AI.

Artificial intelligence is also ideal for organizing DRIP campaigns. For those who don't know, this is the sequential sending of several emails, the content of which depends on the user's specific actions. For example, you left the site and dropped the item in your shopping cart. A letter comes in a day. If you opened it, you activated one sequence of actions, did not open another, and went to the site, the third one. And so forth. Artificial intelligence can easily navigate such complex algorithms. He doesn't just prepare letters in advance, but writes them on the fly, adapting to circumstances. This significantly increases the conversion rate.

2. Programmatic advertising

We are all familiar with banner networks and affiliate programs. Despite their considerable age, they are still working effectively in 2024. But managing them is becoming more and more difficult due to the increase in the number of sites and the growing needs of customers. But “difficult” ceases to be an obstacle to organizing marketing campaigns when artificial intelligence gets down to business. In programmatic advertising, he selects platforms on his own, writes ads for them, and sometimes even generates creatives. AI analyzes users' behavior and preferences, and then decides in real time on which site and at what point to show your ad. For example, if a user has just looked at sneakers on one site, AI can immediately show them a banner with corresponding ads on another site.

Artificial intelligence makes decisions in a split second. Even if you hire a couple dozen experienced PPC specialists, they won't be able to give you the same effect. At the same time, the AI itself adjusts the rates per impression to get the maximum result for the lowest price. Yes, he trades at online auctions like a professional stock broker, only a few times faster — try to imagine what his speech would sound like in real life. The main advantages of AI-based programmatic advertising are budget savings by optimizing auction rates, targeting down to the smallest detail, and reliability that allows you to trust significant amounts of AI without monitoring its performance every 5 minutes.

AI in Programmatic Advertising to Enhance Ad Campaign Success

3. Social media management

Marketers love social media for its dynamics and responsiveness. However, few people like to plan, write and post in them. It is better to entrust this task to artificial intelligence. Modern generative models and specialized platforms like Hootsuite are able to analyze the needs of the target audience, highlight keywords and emotions, and use these details to generate new content.

Moreover, AI can not just write a creative, but also choose the best time to publish it. Each segment of the audience has its own happy hour, when people actively absorb information and are ready to take advantage of commercial offers. It's lunch for office workers, first half of the day for students, and evening for party-goers and bloggers. Artificial intelligence will also provide retrospective analysis — it will show which posts are most successful, which receive the most comments, and which ones cause negative reactions. It will highlight reviews that require your immediate attention and even suggest response templates.

Three innovative methods that are just coming into marketing

Although artificial intelligence is still considered a novelty, it continues to develop and improve. New automation methods are gradually emerging that marketers could not even dream of yesterday.

1. Autonomous AI agents

Today's artificial intelligence is just a tool in human hands. Tomorrow is a full-fledged virtual personality that can take up a job on its own without requiring human help. Such technologies are already under development — they are now available in beta versions of AutoGPT and Microsoft Jarvis.

What is the advantage of this approach? An AI agent doesn't have to describe each task like it would be for a 5-year-old child. You set the ultimate goal for him, and he breaks it down into specific processes, designs workflows and creates an analytics system for control. For example, in the context of marketing, such AI can independently collect information about trends, analyze competitors, and even form marketing proposals. This is a virtual executive assistant that can make decisions in real time. Just imagine what advantages it will give in negotiations or brainstorming sessions. You don't have to rely on yesterday's information—you always know what's going on right here and now.

The downside is that the technology is still far from perfect and is being refined. The first releases will be presented no earlier than 2025—2026. And they will come into full force sometime in the early 2030s.

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2. Causal AI

Cause and effect relationships remain a mystery to most scientists and philosophers, not to mention ordinary marketers. Almost no one knows the answer to questions like “What would happen if...”. Except for modern artificial intelligence, of course. Causal AI is built on machine learning technologies and Big Data. Trained on trillions of numerical values, he can find connections even where an analyst's closest look can't see them.

The main value of Causal AI is that it allows us to dive deeper into the causal relationships between actions and results. In contrast to simple forecasting, this technology helps you make more informed decisions by optimizing marketing campaigns. Simply put, he really knows what influences success and what doesn't deserve your attention. Causal AI has answers to questions like, “What would happen if we spent $10,000 instead of $1,000?” , “How would the same Instagram ad work instead of Facebook?” et al.

Causal AI is especially effective for businesses that conduct multichannel marketing campaigns using various means of communication. However, we must remember that the technology is still under development. It is expensive and demanding on hardware resources, so it is available only to top companies.

3. Voice and multimodal AI

One of the trends of recent years is the widespread use of voice search. Even in SEO, FAQ sections that focus on this technology have become very popular. Artificial intelligence makes it possible to combine traditional marketing tools with voice search to obtain multimodal campaigns. For example, consumers can ask questions about a product by voice and immediately receive answers in the form of text or images.

Multimodal AI is able to combine text and visual elements within one campaign, adapting content to different platforms and formats. For example, it allows you to display banner ads with images on websites while offering voice commands in apps. This makes the marketing campaign more effective, improving customer experience and increasing brand awareness.

Multimodal Generative AI


The digital marketing profession has more and more in common with information technology and less directly with marketing. To run successful marketing campaigns today, you need to use the most effective and convenient automation tools.

Start.Duck specialists are ready to help both businesses and independent professionals integrate artificial intelligence into their daily work. We offer both time-tested tools and innovative solutions that are just beginning to be used in marketing.