Chatbot integration into business: how to do everything right and not waste money
To get a high-quality turnkey chatbot, contact Start:Duck specialists, who will develop a program taking into account all your wishes.
A chat bot for business is a special program that simulates a dialogue with a real consultant or support operator. Such virtual assistants make it possible to automate various routine processes and relieve the burden on the company's employees.
Despite the stated advantages, integrating virtual assistants into a business may not only not pay off, but also lead to additional financial costs and even a loss of the company's reputation.
Let's take a closer look at the difficulties of implementing a custom chat, the reasons why the bot will not work correctly, how to properly prepare for the launch of AI programs, and what to expect in the first place.
Reasons why chatbots don't work
Almost all online entrepreneurs are trying to use chatbots for business today. Many of them are inspired by examples of large Western companies that, using AI-based technologies, were able to significantly increase sales, enter new markets and scale their business with minimal time and financial costs.
Some small business owners admit that after integrating AI technologies into their workflows, they not only did not see benefits, but also noticed a drop in efficiency in several respects. At best, it all came down to a “zero” payback for the bot.
Let's consider the main reasons for the failures caused by improper implementation of AI technologies and the lack of a properly developed strategy:
- The bot did not live up to expectations. Entrepreneurs who do not have sufficient information about the capabilities of chatbots think that with the advent of a virtual assistant, it is possible to fire all operators, consultants and sales managers. In reality, artificial intelligence cannot yet 100% replace a real person, especially when it comes to tasks that require a non-standard approach to solving.
- There are no specific tasks. Trying to keep up with the competition, some entrepreneurs want to install the most expensive bots with the widest possible functionality. At the same time, they do not fully understand which options and features can be useful in specific situations.
- There is low efficiency in some situations. A bot is a program that has no emotions and operates strictly according to a prescribed algorithm. There are situations where a virtual assistant's linear behavior can do more harm than good. For example, it is an opportunity to quickly return goods. The program can take control of the entire process, including tracking the arrival of goods back to the warehouse and returning the money to the buyer. As a result, a dissatisfied customer and a loss of profit. If the program were in place, the manager would find out the reasons for the refusal, offer a replacement product, make a discount, or even dissuade the customer from returning it.
- The bot was ordered for no specific purpose. Some business owners order the implementation of a chatbot only to have something to brag about to colleagues or competitors without thinking about the purpose and functionality of the program. The developer creates a simple template solution with limited features. As a result, the bot does not work correctly, the money has been paid, the result is zero.
A chatbot is one of the most effective tools that will help you run your business. But it should by no means be considered as a panacea and the main way to solve all current problems.
Preparing to order a chatbot
Before ordering a chat bot for business, you need to develop an effective strategy that will consist of the following steps:
- Setting goals. This will directly determine the functionality of the program and its cost. Decide on the tasks that the bot will solve so as not to overpay for unnecessary options.
- Analysis of business processes. Even the most advanced AI bot won't be able to set up workflows from scratch to perfection. First, analyze the activities of the specific department of the company where you are going to implement the AI program. Based on the data obtained, identify the algorithms that the bot should follow.
- Focus on the target audience. Everything here will depend on the specifics of your business and clientele. Selling mass-market goods is one thing, but working with VIP clients in a narrow-profile segment is quite another option. In the first case, a properly configured chatbot will optimize most processes and even help close sales, while in the second case, the introduction of the bot will be very limited, as an individual approach will play a key role when working with elite customers.
Based on the data obtained, formulate your vision of an ideal virtual assistant to explain to the developer what kind of final result you expect from him. This will minimize misunderstandings and prevent additional costs for redesigning the bot and correcting its algorithms.
Chatbot launch: expectation and reality
When launching a business bot, be mentally prepared for the fact that the advertised features and functions will not work as you thought, and expectations may vary greatly from reality.
What is the reason for this? First of all, with the process of creating a bot. If you use the constructor, you will get a template solution in a few days. This is faster than ordering a script from programmers, but the functionality of such virtual assistants will be very limited.
The second important point is the absence of a so-called “trial” (trial period). From the moment it is launched, the bot will work with real people. If you write the dialogs incorrectly or set the wrong parameters for developers, this can cause the program to malfunction, which will negatively affect customer loyalty to your company. The problem is solved by understanding what the program should do and by providing clear instructions for developers.
The third point is that any bot, even the most modern, is not designed to make instant profits. This is a long game, so if you properly configure the parameters and the symbiosis of modern AI technologies with human resources, you will be able to see real efficiency and additional profit only after a while.
Integrating a virtual assistant into a business allows you to automate routine processes, improve work efficiency and further save on hiring new employees to the team. Despite all the advantages, the introduction of a chatbot into business processes involves a number of difficulties that an entrepreneur may face.
To minimize possible negative consequences and not waste money, it is recommended to develop a custom-made chat bot for businesses from scratch. This will allow you to take into account all the nuances of your field of activity and customize the virtual assistant as flexibly as possible according to various parameters.
To get a high-quality turnkey chat bot, contact Start:Duck specialists who will develop a program taking into account all your wishes.