

How will AI affect the labor market: which professions will appear and which will disappear?

If you want to build your career in AI or launch a related business, contact Start:Duck experts

Experts International Monetary Fund they believe that in the next 10-15 years, artificial intelligence will have a serious impact on 40% of jobs, and approximately 2.5% of them will simply disappear. In absolute terms, this means that there will be 75-100 million more unemployed people. But it's not that bad! AI can both destroy entire professions and create fundamentally new specialties. We will tell you which areas of activity we will have to say goodbye to and which ones will replace them.

Exploring the Exciting Frontier of AI Jobs: Opportunities and Trends | by  manisha15 | Medium

Which professions won't have a place in the AI future?

If you're employed in these sectors, you don't have to fear losing your job anytime soon. However, the development, testing and integration of new technologies is a rather complicated and lengthy process. However, in the long run, you should reconsider your approach to career advancement.

1. Customer support specialists

Once upon a time, support services and call centers were the least automated divisions of companies. But generative AI models can take on most of their tasks. According to data Masters of Code, AI is already automating up to 87% of work in this area and reducing costs by an average of 39%. Software solutions have many advantages over people — they are fast, tireless and extremely polite in any situation.

2. Accountants

After all, accounting has strict rules and regulations that are ideal for writing algorithms. Artificial intelligence closes a few automation gaps. Like an experienced CFO, he can optimize accounting schemes, minimize long-term costs and monitor changes in legislation.

Why you shouldn't fear artificial intelligence in accounting | Rightworks

3. Receptionists

Leading tech companies like Samsung, Apple, Microsoft, and Meta are already experimenting with virtual personas that have a stable character and emotions. Today they are projected onto thin translucent screens, but in the near future these synthetic personalities will become the basis for robots and holographic projections.

4. Sales managers

As retail moves online, the focus shifts from a personal conversation to predicting customer needs. Why ask questions when you can analyze human behavior online and choose the best products for them with 90 percent accuracy? And in the long term, up to 50% of goods and services will be provided on a subscription basis, which will also reduce the need for salespeople.

5. Data analysts

Yes, Data Analyst is one of the most promising and highly paid professions today. But machine learning systems are not standing still. They can already find most patterns in large databases without human intervention. It's possible that soon we'll just have to ask, “OK Google, how can I improve my marketing efficiency by 10%?” to get a simple, comprehensive answer.

6. Storekeepers

Interact Analysis researchers It is believed that in the next 3 years, up to 26% of large warehouses in the world will be fully automated. Amazon's experience shows that this reduces logistics costs for top brands by 34%, while reducing the rate of injuries and increasing the speed of order processing. Intelligent warehouses with no more than 1 person per 1,000 square meters are our present, not the distant future.

What is Warehouse Robotics? The Ultimate Guide for 2022 | NetSuite

7. Scoring specialists

It is a fairly narrow but very important segment of the labor market. These experts assess the level of risks in the financial sector — banking, insurance and investing. They participate in the pricing process and help managers develop long-term plans. But artificial intelligence does this job much better than humans, as evidenced by the boom in microfinance.

8. Cashiers

According to statistics collected WiFi Talents, approximately 50% of European retailers use automated cash registers, which increase store revenue by an average of 15%. In total, about 20% of people in the world are familiar with this technology. A few more improvements and the number of traditional cashier jobs will begin to decline rapidly.

What professions are emerging thanks to AI?

All phenomena have their downside. The emergence of new specialties means that you can prepare to promote them today. By getting a current profession before anyone else, you will significantly increase your income and earn an expert reputation.

1. Prompt engineer

The simplest way to work in the field of artificial intelligence. The task of such a specialist is to achieve what he wants from AI by skillfully designing text queries. It does not require technical skills and special education. It is enough to know the logic, understand the basic principles of an AI device and be well versed in the interfaces of the corresponding programs.

2. Robot Service Master

Robots have already taken over our world, from vacuum cleaners in apartments to Teslas on the roads, from automated loaders in warehouses to mechanical surgeons in hospitals. These machines are a combination of artificial intelligence with a mechanical part. And the latter requires regular maintenance. The average robot is still more complicated than a washing machine, so the craftsman will need special qualifications.

An Overview of a Career as a Robotics Engineer

3. Teacher for artificial intelligence

If you are even superficially versed in large language models, you know that to run them, you need not only to write a program, but also to train it by “feeding” it a huge amount of information. Its content will largely influence the work of AI in the future, so it is very important to select high-quality thematic materials. And this important work should be done by specially trained people.

4. Machine vision specialist

To integrate artificial intelligence into all areas of human activity, we need to teach it to perceive the world as we do. The corresponding technology is called machine vision — it allows the program to analyze a picture, select various objects and make decisions based on the frame layout. Machine vision is used in autopilots, security systems, photography, special effects generation, and military science.

5. Natural Speech Recognition Engineer

In many ways, this profession is similar to that described in the previous paragraph. But here we are talking about voice and text queries, presented in natural phrases, rather than pre-prepared teams. The specialty of an NLP engineer is already in demand. And in the future, her list of tasks will include recognizing non-verbal signals — gestures, postures, body positions, and facial expressions.

6. AI writer

Here's a great example: when 9,000 Netflix writers went on strike, the company offered $900,000 in a one-time fee and the same annual salary for a specialist who can at least partially replace them with artificial intelligence. AI writers combine their natural talent with the capabilities of new technologies — they generate high-quality scripts, books, promotional texts and other materials at great speed.

Netflix faces backlash from actors, writers after posting AI job that pays  up to $900K: 'Turns my stomach' | Fox News

7. AI Ethics Specialist

Early versions of generative models demonstrated all sorts of forms of discrimination against users, which has become the subject of scandals and memes. But it's all fun as long as it's about innocent fun. Can you imagine what will happen when AI begins to appear on a massive scale in medicine, public administration, and personal finance? Therefore, any new neural network must undergo ethical review before launch.

8. Business integrator

Many business owners and executives have heard about the benefits of artificial intelligence, but not everyone understands exactly how to use it in specific workflows. This task will be solved by the integrator. He must analyze the company's activities and decide how to implement AI in such a way as to maximize benefits and minimize possible problems.

Bonus: who will not be affected by AI transformation

Although artificial intelligence is often considered omnipotent, it still has a number of limitations. Therefore, representatives of the following professions may not be afraid of losing their jobs due to AI in the next couple of decades:

  • teachers;
  • judges;
  • psychologists;
  • doctors;
  • musicians;
  • producers and directors;
  • business consultants;
  • car mechanics.

How do you prepare for the arrival of AI?

If your profession is included in the list of specialties that are in danger of being reduced or even completely disappeared, minimize the risks — start preparing right now. The more time you have to learn new skills and upgrade your skills, the better. You don't have to choose a profession that uses artificial intelligence, but getting to know the new technology will always be a plus. If you want to build your career in AI or launch a related business, contact Start:Duck experts. We provide artificial intelligence integration services to our partners and are always on the lookout for new talent.